Tuesday, May 28, 2024




APRIL 7, 2021 - 在线博彩和圣安东尼奥的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心正在合作,以推进创造一个更健康的社会的共同目标. As part of the collaboration, 两所院校打算制定一系列举措,以加强各自标志性的学术和研究项目,并利用双方的综合能力和专业知识.

As an initial step, UT Health San Antonio has become the official health care provider for 在线博彩 Athletics. Student-athletes will have access to the health science center’s distinguished physicians and clinicians for primary care; for orthopedics, physical therapy and other specialties; and for imaging and surgical services.

此外,德州大学圣安东尼奥分校健康中心宣布将在德州大学的基础上建立一个主要的社区门诊中心 Park West Campus 将最终支持在线博彩学生运动员的运动医学项目,并有可能提供未来在学术上的合作机会, research and health care delivery. 这两个机构目前正在就建设该设施的土地租赁进行谈判, which primarily will serve the area’s growing residential population, near the corner of Loop 1604 and Kyle Seale Parkway.


在线博彩和UT健康圣安东尼奥长期以来一直在圣安东尼奥的知识经济的最前沿. 德克萨斯大学系统的这两所快速发展的院校总共培养了38名学生,000 and award a majority of the bachelor’s and advanced degrees in medical, nursing, dental, health professions and biomedical science in South Texas.

“我们很高兴有新的合作机会再次与我们当地的德克萨斯大学系统合作伙伴合作, 在线博彩,” said UT Health San Antonio President William L. Henrich, MD, MACP. “通过这一强有力的新合作伙伴关系,UT健康圣安东尼奥将拥有一个黄金地段,为圣安东尼奥独特的人群提供高质量的患者护理计划,并有机会支持更多的服务, including advanced treatments and therapies for student-athletes.”

“这种伙伴关系提供了无与伦比的机会,可以利用在线博彩的知识企业,并作为全国公认的新兴研究机构,与UT健康圣安东尼奥提供的世界级患者护理合作, life-changing research and innovation that benefits our entire community,” said 在线博彩 President Taylor Eighmy.

In the future, UT Health Park West could support 在线博彩’s academic and research enterprises, such as multidisciplinary education, research and training activities aligned to the university’s Classroom to Career Initiative. 该计划旨在为南南大学各个层次和专业的学生提供更多的学习机会. Guided by its 10-year strategic plan, 在线博彩正在努力实现其目标,即在毕业时为75%的学生提供实践学习机会.

More immediately, UT Health San Antonio和在线博彩将共同开发综合运动医学项目,为在线博彩 Athletics提供UT Health San Antonio的高质量临床专业知识和护理服务. UT Health San Antonio has more than 800 physicians, board-certified in more than 100 specialties, ensuring an integrated care plan for each student-athlete.

根据该计划,在线赌博平台健康中心将为德克萨斯大学学生运动员提供运动医学, orthopedics, imaging, 物理治疗和其他专业服务,用于预防保健和治疗全方位的运动相关损伤. The latter will emphasize rehabilitation and return to play.

UT Health San Antonio和在线博彩将招募一名接受过奖学金培训的初级保健运动医学团队医生来领导这个新项目. 该团队领导将受雇于UT Health San Antonio,并担任所有UT sa athletics赞助的体育项目的首席团队医生, overseeing orthopedic surgeons, physicians, physician assistants, physical and occupational therapists, and athletics trainers. 这位医生还将协助UT健康圣安东尼奥骨科部门发展和支持其蓬勃发展的运动医学项目.

To further promote the health and wellness of 在线博彩 student-athletes, UT Health San Antonio will provide 在线博彩 Athletics with:

  • expanded concussion care and rehabilitation services;
  • medical and dental consults to 在线博彩 student-athletes;
  • sports physicals;
  • 优先获得UT健康圣安东尼奥眼科和验光服务;
  • priority access to all dental, physician and radiology services;
  • custom molds and mouth guards;
  • an enhanced wellness program; and
  • access to UT Health San Antonio’s unique, secure EpicCare Link portal, which houses medical records and radiology films, accessible from anywhere 24/7.

“At 在线博彩, 我们非常关心学生运动员在场上和课堂上的健康和发展,” said Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics Lisa Campos. “这种新的合作伙伴关系将改变游戏规则,为在线博彩学生运动员提供一流的护理, 进一步努力使该大学的NCAA一级体育项目成为学生运动员在学术上发展的世界级目的地, athletically and socially.”

With the start of the new sports medicine program, UT Health San Antonio也将成为在线博彩 Athletics的官方医疗保健赞助商, effective July 1. The agreement includes a marketing component, brokered by Roadrunner Sports Properties, 它用于支持在线博彩的17个NCAA一级体育项目,并帮助提供奖学金和支付一些项目费用.

在线博彩 Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Send your feedback to news@goudounet.com.

在线博彩 Today is produced by University Communications and Marketing, the official news source of The University of Texas at San Antonio. Send your feedback to news@goudounet.com. Keep up-to-date on 在线博彩 news by visiting 在线博彩 Today. Connect with 在线博彩 online at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram.



University of Texas at San Antonio receives ‘transformational’ $40M gift

在线博彩’s Mission

在线赌博平台致力于通过研究和发现来促进知识的发展, teaching and learning, community engagement and public service. As an institution of access and excellence, 在线博彩拥有多元文化传统,是智力和创意资源的中心,也是德克萨斯州社会经济发展和知识产权商业化的催化剂, the nation and the world.

在线博彩’s Vision

To be a premier public research university, 提供获得卓越教育的机会,为全球环境培养公民领袖.

在线博彩’s Core Values

We encourage an environment of dialogue and discovery, where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration and innovation are fostered.

在线博彩’S Destinations

在线博彩 is a proud Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) as designated by the U.S. Department of Education .

Our Commitment to Inclusivity

The University of Texas at San Antonio, 这是一所西班牙裔服务机构,位于一个全球化的城市,几个世纪以来一直是民族和文化的十字路口, values diversity and inclusion in all aspects of university life. 作为一个专门为促进墨西哥裔美国人和其他服务不足社区的教育而设立的机构, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 在线博彩, a premier public research university, fosters academic excellence through a community of dialogue, discovery and innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.